
About Don Stroud

Don and his wife Karen are celebrating their 32nd year of marriage and 20th year home schooling, spanning four children. He believes the best way to teach children stewardship of our freedoms is by showing them and having them learn by doing. Don has served as a city councilman, election judge, precinct chair, regional home school group board member, Teen Court advisor, and THSC Vetting Committee member. Over the past 15 years, he has recruited and helped train numerous students to serve as election clerks and Teen Court staff. Don specializes in growing small and start-up businesses, currently serving as CMO for IDMyPlan. A 7th-generation Texan, Don is committed to defending the freedom of Texans to exercise personal responsibility and parents’ rights to direct the education of their children.
  • Your vote matters!

Bearing Arms at the Ballot Box: How to Fire Your Civil Bullet

By |2023-06-06T16:33:13-05:00April 21st, 2016|Legislative Advocacy|

War is being waged against the foundations of our Western civilization. Elections are one of the theaters, where bloodless battles are fought between competing ideologies, competencies and values. Weapons include truth, diligence, and a civil bullet in the form of a voter registration certificate. Failure of a voter-eligible citizenry to consistently utilize any one of those three ultimately leads to casualties and surrender to tyranny.

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  • THSC’s Vetting Process Helps you Vote with Confidence

Sound Decisions vs. Sound Bites: Taking the Guesswork out of Voting

By |2019-08-15T11:41:11-05:00April 8th, 2016|Legislative Advocacy|

If you are like most conscientious voters, you experienced a tinge of frustration in the recent primary. Your ballot contained a long list of lower-profile races for which you had little information about the candidates. Did you find yourself skipping a race or just settling for the candidate with the most familiar-sounding name? Leaving the decision to your next door neighbor or using the Las Vegas approach are not very responsible methods for electing officials who can dramatically impact your family, freedom and finances.

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