S___ N____ decided it was in her child’s best interest to withdraw her from public school and begin home schooling. Unfortunately the Dallas ISD has not made it the simple process it should be. Even after Ms. N___ sent the initial letter of withdrawal, followed by the assurance letter, Dallas ISD still refuses to remove her daughter from the school rolls, and Ms. N____ continues to get calls notifying her of her daughter’s absence. Unable to get through to school officials and fearful she might be charged with truancy, she turned to THSC and Tim Lambert for help.

Read Tim’s letter to the Dallas ISD.

S___ N____ decided it was in her child’s best interest to withdraw her from public school and begin home schooling. Unfortunately the Dallas ISD has not made it the simple process it should be. Even after Ms. N___ sent the initial letter of withdrawal, followed by the assurance letter, Dallas ISD still refuses to remove her daughter from the school rolls, and Ms. N____ continues to get calls notifying her of her daughter’s absence. Unable to get through to school officials and fearful she might be charged with truancy, she turned to THSC and Tim Lambert for help.

Read Tim’s letter to the Dallas ISD.